The NOM 035 and its importance for workplace well-being in human resources software businesses

In today’s business world, employee well-being has become a matter of utmost importance. Happy and healthy employees are more productive and committed to their work, benefiting companies in turn. In Mexico, NOM 035 is a regulation that aims to ensure the well-being of workers, and in this article, we will explore its relevance for human resources software businesses.

What is NOM 035?

NOM 035 is an official Mexican standard that establishes guidelines for identifying, analyzing, and preventing psychosocial risk factors in the workplace. It was published in October 2018 and applies to all companies in Mexico, regardless of their size or sector.

Why is it important for human resources software businesses?

Human resources software businesses play a crucial role in the implementation of NOM 035, as their software and tools can help identify and analyze psychosocial risk factors in the workplace. Some of the reasons why it is important for these businesses are:

  1. Legal compliance: NOM 035 is a mandatory regulation in Mexico, so human resources software businesses must ensure that their clients comply with the established guidelines. This involves providing tools and functionalities that enable the assessment and analysis of psychosocial risk factors.

  1. Improvement of workplace well-being: Human resources software can be a powerful tool for enhancing employee well-being. By collecting data and generating reports, companies can identify areas for improvement and take steps to reduce psychosocial risk factors. This includes actions such as promoting a proper work-life balance, preventing work-related stress, and fostering a healthy work environment.

  1. Talent retention: Employees increasingly value workplace well-being and seek companies that care about their health and happiness. Human resources software businesses that implement NOM 035 and promote a healthy and balanced work environment will have a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining talent.

In summary, NOM 035 is:

NOM 035 is a fundamental regulation to ensure workplace well-being in Mexico, and human resources software businesses play a key role in its implementation. By providing tools and functionalities that enable the assessment and analysis of psychosocial risk factors, these businesses can help their clients comply with the regulation and enhance the well-being of their employees. Furthermore, by promoting a healthy work environment, they also contribute to talent retention and the long-term success of companies.


Adagio Base


Work Stress NOM-035

Employee portal

Personnel Management

Payroll and IMSS


Human Resources

Organization chart and places

Operational Management

Digital signature

Team Assignment


Dining room and restaurant employees

Development of Talent


Performance evaluation

Recruitment and selection

Definition of objectives

360 Evaluations


Work Environment


Food and drinks

Hospitals and Health




Financial services


Adagio Base


Estrés Laboral NOM-035

Portal de empleados

Gestión de Personal

Nómina e IMMS


Recursos Humanos

Organigrama y plazas

Gestión Operativa

Firma Digital

Asignación de equipos


Comedor y Restaurante empleados

Desarrollo del Talento


Evaluación de desempeño

Reclutamiento y selección

Definición de objetivos

Evaluaciones 360


Clima laboral


Alimentos y Bebidas

Hospitales y Salud




Servicios Financieros